So if you want to get started right away and don't want to laboriously search for all blueprints, the savegame is just right for you. The world itself has not yet been explored in this savegame. labeled signs, a bioreactor, a scanner room, a multi-storey warehouse, an office, two diving docks as well as all construction plans,sea moth,the Prawnsuit and a relaxation room.This savegame was created shortly after the Aurora explosion. This savegame contains a fully developed base. Wer also direkt loslegen möchte und nicht erst mühsam alle Blueprints zusammen suchen will, für den ist das Savegame genau richtig. Die Welt selber ist aber in diesem Savegame noch nicht erforscht worden. beschriftete Schilder, einen Bioreaktor, einen Scannerraum, ein mehrstöckiges Lager, ein Büro, zwei Tauchdocks, Seemotte, Krebs sowie alle Baupläne und einen Ruheraum.ĭieses Savegame wurde kurz nach der Aurora Explosion erstellt. Put the folder into the main Page of SavedGamesĭieses Savegame enthält eine voll ausgebaute Basis. Of all players only 9.9 managed to get this very rare trophy.

Watch out for 'Mans Best Friend' (Hatch and release a Cuddlefish): This one can be tricky. The easiest trophy you can get at the beginning is Getting Your Feet Wet (Dive for the very first time). If you want more Bases write me in "Posts" Steam apps -> Common -> Subnautica -> SNAppData -> Saved Games -> Going for the platinum trophy is no big deal.